
Minggu, 29 Mei 2011



Pada suatu saat diawal tahun ajaran baru, saya sebagai walikelas memeriksa absent. Dalam aktivitas tersebut saya menemukan seorang siswa yang tidak pernah mengikuti masa orientasi dan diperkirakan sudah sekitar 6 hari alpa. Kemudian pada hari berikutnya siswa tersebut masuk. Kemudian saya bertanya “Kemana kamu hamper seminggu alpa dan tidak pernah mengikuti orientasi?” dan kemudian siswa tersebut maju menghampiri saya di meja guru dan berkata”Bu, boleh kita bicara di luar?” saya jawab “Oke”. Kemudian siswa tersebut dengan terbuka menjelaskan alasannya.

Illustrasi tersebut adalah pengalaman nyata yang penulis dapatkan pada saat dia menjadi wali kelas. Sebuah pengalaman pertama disaat seorang murid dengan berani mengajaknya untuk keluar dan berbicara. Secara sudut pandang etika, mungkin tekanan nada siswa tersebut agak kurang sopan, tapi penulis melihat ada sisi lain dari siswa tersebut sehingga dia harus mengikuti kemauan siswa tersebut.
Siswa tersebut di luar kelas bercerita kalau dia pernah mengalami kejadian di lingkungan sekolah yang membuat dia trauma untuk berada dilingkungan sekolahnya yang lama. Untuk menghormati privasi dari siswa tersebut penulis tidak akan menceritakan sekolah lama siswa tersebut dan kejadian yang dia alami.
Setelah mendengar cerita dari siswa tersebut, penulis sebagai walikelas merasa memiliki kewajiban untuk membantu siswa tersebut sehingga trauma tersebut tidak menghantui siswa yang bersangkutan. Dan secara kebetulan ada seorang guru yang mengetahui latar belakang dan keluarga siswa tersebut. Informasi yang saya daptkan sangat membantu saya dalam mencari celah untuk menolong siswa yang bermasalah tersebut.
Dengan informasi yang penulis dapatkan, kemudian penulis juga berkonsultasi dengan seseorang yang memahami masalah psikologi dan dengan membaca buku psikologi yang berkaitan dengan trauma siswa tersebut maka penulis membuat kesimpulan apa yang harus dilakukan untuk terapi awal, prosesnya adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Penulis berusaha menempatkan posisinya menjadi orang yang dapat dipercaya oleh siswa tersebut
2. Penulis melakukan pendekatan secara tarik ulur sehingga siswa tidak merasa terlalu diawasi tetapi tetap mendapat perhatian
3. Penulis berusaha menempatkan dirinya menjadi seorang motivator agar siswa tersebut dapat menghilangkan traumanya
Pada saat penulis menempatkan posisinya sebagai orang yang dapat dipercaya, penulis berusaha untuk menjadi pendengar yang baik dan tidak melanggar perjanjian yang sudah diberlakukan oleh siswa tersebut. Ada satu hal yang mungkin agak ganjil tetapi penulis lakukan. Siswa tersebut meminta agar apapun masalahnya dalam semester ini, orang tua jangan pernah dipanggil kesekolah. Lebih baik diselesaikan secara personal antaru guru dan murid. Dalam kasus ini sebenarnya penulis agak berspekulasi dengan permintaan siswa, tetapi penulis tetap melakukannya dengan harapan dapat meraih kepercayaan siswa tersebut. Dan penulis merasa ada sebuah keberhasilan dalam proses ini karena siswa mulai percaya dan terbuka, sehingga penulis dapat mengarahkan siswa tersebut.
Pada proses tarik ulur, penulis melakukannya karena berdasarkan data dan informasi yang penulis dapatkan, bahwa siswa yang pernah mendapatkan masalah demikian tidak suka terlalu diawasi. Dia akan cenderung menjauh dan menutup diri. Proses ini juga berhasil dilakukan oleh penulis, karena siswa malah semakin dekat dan nyaman menceritakan masalahnya.
Kedua proses diatas akhirnya membuat hubungan guru dan siswa menjadi dekat, sehingga penulis dapt lebih banyak memberikan motivasi dan masukan positif kepada siswa yang bersangkutan. Salah satu masukan yang akhirnya dapat membuat siswa tersebut berubah adalah pada saat penulis berkata jangan pernah meyalahkan masa lalu dan kejadian yang kamu lalui. Semua sudah jalan hidup kita. Pada saat kita menyalahkan maka akan banyak pihak yang kamu salahkan, termasuk orang tua. Berdamailah dengan keadaanmu, anggaplah sebagai hal positif karena ada proses hidup yang kamu dapatkan dan belum tentu didapatkan orang lain. Anggaplah itu pembelajaran dan jadi pijakan yang kuat untuk kamu melangkah ke masa depan.
Setelah satu semester dilewati, akhirnya tiba pada saat pembagian raport semester ganjil. Penulis terbiasa untuk memanggil orang tua pada saat penerimaan rapot. Ada sebuah kejadian mengesankan pada saat orang tua siswa yang bermasalah tersebut dating untuk mengambil rapot anaknya. Kalimat pertama yang diungkapakan adalah “Apa yang ibu lakukan sehingga anak saya bisa berubah? Saya tidak menduga dia bisa berubah 180 derajat?” Berdasarkan cerita orang tuanya selain anaknya menjadi rajin dan mau bersekolah, anaknya juga semakin rajin beribadah, emosi lebih terkendali dan lebih terbuka. Yang dulunya selalu menutup diri dan pemarah, sekarang lebih ceria dan malahan mau bernyanyi dan bercerita panjang lebar denga kedua orang tuanya. Dan karena memang siswa tersebut berubah maka kegagalan yang dia dapatkan tahun lalu tidak terulang lagi. Dia berhasil naik kelas. Dan intinya MAU BERSEKOLAH KEMBALI.
Penulis akhirnya membuat kesimpulan yang diharapkan dapat juga diterapkan oleh puhak lain jika menghadapi siswa atau anak yang bermasalah. Kesimpulan tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Bersikaplah peduli
2. Jadilah pendengar yang baik
3. Jadilah seseorang yang dapat dipercaya
4. Ciptakan rasa aman dan terlindungi untuk anak atau murid kita.
Sebagai penutup, penulis berharap tulisan ini dapat bermanfaat bagi para pembaca, karena kita tidak dapat menutup mata masih ada banyak anak anak lain yang mengalai trauma dalam kehidupan mereka, dan mereka sangat memerlukan perhatian dan bantuan kita.

Rabu, 25 Mei 2011


Writing is a skill that needs extra works to be mastered. The purpose of teaching writing is to develop students’ ability to function effectively in such written context .Writing plays an important role in which speaking can not to fulfill the communicative needs. Crimmon (1983) said that writing is a hard work. Therefore students need a lot of practices to apply their writing ability. Commonly the problem faced by students in writing is to develop ideas. They do not know how to arrange their ideas in a good structure. Hence the teacher must be able to apply teaching technique to solve the students’ problem.
In Curriculum KTSP, recount text is defined as a text that retells events in purpose of informing or entertaining. In curriculum for basic education 2004, one text must be learnt by the students is recount text.
In writing something, we can not make it directly into a good composition. There must be steps in arranging a good composition. The psycholinguist Eric Lenneberg (1967) stated that writing is related with someone’s behaviour. Someone learn to write if he or she is the member of a literate society, and because someone teaches him or her how to write. Thus, because writing is related with someone’s behaviour, he or she can start his or her writing by using something done as a habit. Habitual activity means something done as a way of life of someone. If someone can make writing as a habit, writing activity can be involved in his or her real life. The point is, if teacher can develop writing as students’ habitual activity, the students can find many interesting things inside their writing. The teacher believes if the students do writing activity as their habit, they can not find it is difficult to write something. Diary is related with students’ real life. They need not think about others beyond their life. They make it based their own life, their own experiences, and their own habit.
Recount text is a text genre must be learnt based on curriculum KTSP. In the article 60 Writing Topics by Maureen Hyland recount text is talking about past experiences or events, written for information or entertainment. Therefore in this text genre the students can write about their experiences. If they write something based on their habitual activity through diary, they can be able to manage the idea and then to develop the idea into a recount text.
In this method the teacher can use students’ diary as a media for the students to arrange the events or experiences that they have had. Actually writing process is the last skill of the language must be applied by someone. Therefore writing is not an easy process. To write something someone’s must be able to find the topic that he or she wants to write. After defining the topic he or she must be able to distribute the topics into some main ideas, and then develop some supporting ideas. He or she also must be able to make a draft of something that he or she wants to develop. Writing process can be easier to do if someone makes it as a habit. Writing diary related to someone’s habit in writing. Teacher can use this habit to develop the students’ ability in writing something. It can be easier to write something related to someone’s real life. Students writing through his or her own diary van help the students to develop their ability in writing recount text, because recount text is a text genre which discuss about past experiences or pas events done by the teacher or others. In applying this kind of technique the teacher can use action method. The process can be as follow:
• In this process, the teacher can apply the students’ diary as media to write the students daily experiences
• At the first meeting the teacher can explain about recount text and simple past tense
• The teacher can ask the students to write down about their experience in each day of a week
• Everyday, the teacher can ask the students to collect their diary about their activity of a day before
• The teacher can make some corrections to their writing
• After a week, in each teaching learning process the teacher can discuss about the corrections given to the students diary
• After a week, the teacher can ask the students to rewrite their diary into a recount text
• The students collected their recount text
• The teacher can do some corrections to the students writing
• In the next meeting, the teacher can distribute the students recount text, and ask them to rewrite the text based on the correction and to define the generic structure of recount text of their writing

There are some micro-skills for writing Douglas Brown (2001:343) stated micro-skills for writing, they are produce graphemes and orthographic patterns of English, produce writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose, produce an acceptable core of words and use appropriate word order pattern, use acceptable grammatical systems (e.g., tense, agreement, pluralizasion), patterns and rules, express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms, use cohesive devices in written discourse, use the rhetorical forms and conventions of written discourse, approximately accomplish the communicative functions of written texts according to form and purpose, convey links and connections between events and communicate such relation as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given information, generalization, distinguish between literal and implied meaning when writing, and correctly convey culturally specific references in the context of the written text
There are some functions of writing culture. Writing culture serves the following function Halliday (1985:40 – 41) are for action, such as public signs, for social contact such as letter and postcard, and for information, such as newspaper and magazine, for entertainment, such as film, poetry, and songs.
White as quoted by Nunan (1989: 36) points out that writing is not a natural activity. All physically and mentally normal people learn to speak a language. Yet, all people have to be taught how to write. This is a crucial difference as well. Writing, unlike speech, is displaced in time.

Bailey (1990:215) states that diary study is a first personal account of a language learning or teacher experience, documented through regular, candid entries in a personal journal and then analyzed for recurring patterns or salient events. Diary writing is a form of sustained silent writing. Sustained silent writing requires students to fill up a period of time with writing. If the students can’t generate thought for original writing, the students can copy from any source.

Anne Hudgson in http:/// recount text tells about something happened in the past. It can be happened to the teacher or someone else. The purpose of recount text is to retell an event or events. The generic structure of recount text are :
• Orientation
• Event/ events


ORIENTATION In the last holiday, my family went to Singkawang. There, we stayed in my grandparents’s house. We planned to celebrate new year eve in Pasir Panjang beach
EVENT In preparing the new year eve, my mother bought some fish and some chickens. She and my aunt also prepared the ingredients needed to roast the fish and the chicken. My father, my uncle, my cousins, Ricahrd and Tino, and I prepared the corn and the wood. At the 31st December afternoon my grandparents, my uncle’s family and my family went to Pasir Panjang Beach. Besides food and drink we also brought mat and rain coat. The males prepared the fire and the females prepared the food. Finally the night came, we laugh all night and at the midnight, we prayed together to welcome 2010. We spent the night on the beach and came back home in the morning.
REORIENTATION On the 2nd January 2010, my family went back to Pontianak. But I still kept the experience as a nice moment in my life.


Diary Writing., Accessed at October 1st 2009. Available at
[http :// ]

Hatch at al.1991. Design and Statistics for Applied Linguistics. Newbuury House Publisher, New York.

Hudgson, Anne. Accessed at 28 December 2009. Available at []


Louis Cohen et al. 2005.Research Method in Education-5th ed. Master Ebook.

Maureen Hyland. Lower Primary 60 Writing Topics.

Students Diary . Accessed at October 1st 2009. Available at[ file/ 16695/16687]. .

Brown Douglas. H. 2000. Teaching by principles. An interactive Approach to language Pedagogy. Second Edition. San Fransisko State University.


Writing is one of the language skills that need to be mastered by the language learners. Writing something can be an enjoyable activity because by writing someone can express something in written then share it with others. Based on Tuddy Wallace (2005:15) writing is the final product of several separate acts that are hugely challenging to learn simultaneously. Curriculum KTSP for basic education states that one of writing genres must be mastered by the eight grade students is recount text. In document Final of English Curriculum August 2003, recount text is defined as a text that retells events in purpose of informing or entertaining.
Recount text is a text that describe past - activities in chronological order. Teacher must be able to find one way to the students how they can explore their capability in writing. In this writing the writer will use The insert method of Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) mode for the students to explore their capability in writing recount text. The writer believes that if the students write something based on their personal experience, the students will be easier to develop their idea in writing. Quoted from MaryEllen Vogt (2009-2) the SIOP® Model, derived from the SIOP® observation protocol, includes eight instructional components and thirty features that, when used in combination consistently and systematically, have been found to improve English learners’ academic achievement (Echevarria, Short, & Powers, 2006; Echevarria, Vogt, & Short, 2008). One technique in teaching using SIOP is the insert method. In insert method the students will study in group, then they will read the recount text, give the code to the reading text and based on the codes given the students will be able to recognize the recount text then write their own recount text.
By applying the insert method the writer hopes that the students will be able to develop their own recount text easily. The significance of this writing is to investigate whether the insert code technique is good or not to be applied in teaching writing. If it is good, the writer hopes the teacher can use this technique in teaching learning process.
Writing is a difficult skill to be studied. It needs a lot of practices. Writing needs grammar understanding; hence the sentences made are structurally correct. Students mostly feel it is difficult to write something in English, because they can not use the appropriate tense for their sentences. Because of that it is important for the students to learn more about tenses in order to improve their writing ability.
English grammar is quiet different with Indonesian grammar. In English we can use simple past tense to describe something begun and ended in the past. In Indonesian there is no this kind of rule to describe more about something begun and ended in the past. Indonesian uses time signal to indicate the time. We can look at the examples as follow:
English: I finished my assignment just now.
Saya sudah menyelesaikan tugas saya beberapa menit yang lalu.
From the sentences above we can see the difference between English and Indonesian to indicate something happen which begun and ended in the past. There is no specific tense to show the time in Indonesian. Therefore many students find it is difficult to learn simple past tense.
It will be worse, when the students must write their own text. In the syllabus of junior high school 2004, one text must be learnt by the eighth year student is recount text. Recount text is a text that tells about activities or something happen in the past. It means the students must be able to explore something happened in the past. Hence, students must learn about past tense. If the students have the knowledge of past tense, the students can write recount text grammatically correct. In this writing the writer will focus to use two past tenses, simple past tense and past continues tense.
The procedures of the writing will be as follow:
• The teacher will explain about simple past tense and past continues tense
• The teacher will give an example of recount text about the teacher experience on the last semester holiday
• The teacher will explain about recount text
• The teacher will ask the students to work in group and do insert method to find out the generic structure of the text
• The teacher will give some questions related to students interesting holiday
• The teacher will ask the students to make a recount text about their interesting holiday

There are some micro-skills for writing Douglas Brown (2001:343) stated micro-skills for writing, they are :
• producing graphemes and orthographic patterns of English,
• producing writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose,
• producing an acceptable core of words and use appropriate word order pattern,
• using acceptable grammatical systems (e.g., tense, agreement, pluralizasion), patterns and rules, express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms,
• using cohesive devices in written discourse, use the rhetorical forms and conventions of written discourse, approximately accomplish the communicative functions of written texts according to form and purpose, convey links and connections between events and communicate such relation as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given information, generalization, distinguish between literal and implied meaning when writing, and correctly convey culturally specific references in the context of the written text

Wishon (1980:195) said that simple past tense is used for activities that occurred over a period of past time, but it finished at the past time too.
Azzar (1989:24) states that simple past tense is a tense indicate the activity or situation which began and ended at the past time.
The pattern of simple past tense as follows:
1. Verbal sentence
(+) Subject + verb 2...
(-) subject + did not + verb 1 ....
(?) Did + subject + verb 1 ...?
2. Non verbal sentence
(+) Subject + was/ were ...
(-) Subject + was / were not ...
(?) Was/ were + subject ...?

Based on Learning materials/Grammar & Punctuation/1. Tenses/1.6 PAST continuous.doc past continues tense is used to say that somebody was in the middle of doing something at a certain time. The action or situation had already started before this but had not finished.
Example of this in action:
Yesterday Sanjit met Harjinder for lunch at one o’clock. They finished at two o’clock. Therefore at one thirty, they were having lunch

Based on Primary Framework for literacy and mathematics page 1 recounts (or accounts as they are sometimes called) are the most common kind of texts we encounter and create. Their primary purpose is to retell events. They are the basic form of many story telling texts and in non-fiction texts they are used to create factual accounts of events (either current or historical). Recounts can entertain and/or inform.
Anne Hodgson said that recount text tells about something happened in the past. It can be happened to the writer or someone else. The purpose of recount text is to retell an event or events. The generic structure of recount text are :
• Orientation
• Event/ events
• Reorientation
Definition of recount text on New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2004 Historical recount refers to an account of a factual past event or biography not involving the writer, which hasan orientation, record of events, and a reorientation. Personal recount refers to a factual account of events involving the writer
Pardiyono (2007: 66-67) divides the function of elements recount text in the table as follows:
ORIENTATION  To take the reader interest
 To show the reader the past activities/events that will be presented
 To introduce the participant in the text
 To introduce the place of the story happened
 To introduce the time of the story happened
RECORD OF EVENTS  To tell the chronological order of the events
 Using sequence markers, such as first, next, then, first and finally
 Using the past tenses such as simple past tense and past continues tense
RE-ORINTATION To express personal attitude about the events in the story

Based on Pardiyono (2007:64-65) to help the students writing recount text, teacher can give some question related rhetorical structures of recount text, the questions are as follows:
 Questions related to orientation
• did you have holiday on the Idul Fitri 2009?
• Where did you go?
• When did you go?
• Whom do you go with?
 Question related to record of events
• Can you tell us the places you visited on Idul Fitri 2009 holiday?
• How did you go there?
• What did you do on each place?
• How long did you stay there?
• Did you have a good time there?
 Questions related to re-orientation
• How did you feel?

Quoted from MarryEllen Vogt (2009:2) the SIOP® Model, derived from the SIOP® observation protocol, includes eight instructional components and thirty features that, when used in combination consistently and systematically, have been found to improve English learners’ academic achievement (Echevarria, Short, & Powers, 2006; Echevarria, Vogt, & Short, 2008).
Based on Susan Hanson and Canisius Filibert (2009:1) sheltered instruction means that the students receive help in developing academic English while they are learning grade-level content material. Students are provided extra support by including instructional techniques that make learning comprehensible to students. Based on Susan Hanson and Canisius Filibert (2009: 1-4) there are eight components of SIOP, they are as follows:
1. Preparation
Teachers state the content objectives that are taken from the state or national standards. They plan meaningful activities to meet the objectives. In addition, they select language objectives for each lesson that aredrawn from language arts standards. The selected standards for the content and language arts are posted so both the students and teachers are lear on the focus of the lesson with the ultimate goal of the students mastering the content while growing in academic English.
2. Building Background
Teachers connect the students’ background and past experiences with the new learning. They help students comprehend by teaching the vocabulary that is key to understanding of the material. They explicitly teach the content vocabulary inareas such as ecosystems, coastal nations, and exploitation. In addition emphasis is placed on teaching the students the academic vocabulary that is so essential to understanding the content. Examples of academic vocabulary include such words and phrases as “calculate,” “predict,” “in comparison,” and “as a result.” According to Saville-Troike, “Vocabulary development is critical for English learners because we know that there is a strong relationship between vocabulary knowledge in English and academic achievement”(as quoted in Echevarria, Vogt, and Short’s 2004 book Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOPModel [2nd Ed.], p. 49). Through the SIOP model, teachers utilize techniques to provide active involvement, personalize word learning, immerse students in words, and provide repeated exposure to words in more than one context. As a result of the indepth teaching of the vocabulary, the students are better able to comprehend the content and further the development of their academic English.
3. Comprehensible Input
Teachers make lessons comprehensible by using vocabulary that the students understand, stating directions orally and in writing, and demonstrating what the students are expected to do. In addition, the students are given guided practice and are involved in a variety of techniques that provide hands-on practice. The students are provided with support such as prediction guides, visual aides, and other supplemental materials. The information is shared at an appropriate pace and enunciated clearly. According to Echevarria, Vogt, and Short (p. 78), “Effective sheltered teachers provide explanations of academic tasks in ways that make clear what students are expected to accomplish and that promote student success.”
4. Strategies
Teachers use explicit instructional strategies, such as questioning techniques, to support higher-level thinking that involves predicting, summarizing, problem solving, organizing, evaluating, and self-monitoring. The instructional strategies also involve the students in scaffolding techniques that provide the right amount of support and help move the students to the next level. The students are given the time to practice the strategies with support from their peers and the teacher, as well as opportunities to implement the strategies independently. An example of a strategy encouraged in the SIOP model is the use of graphic organizers to assist students with visually organizing their learning. According to Echevarria, Vogt, & Short (who cite Fisher, Frey, & Williams, 2002; Pressley, 2000; Shearer, Ruddell, & Vogt; and Slater & Horstman, 2002), “There is considerable evidence that teaching students a variety of selfregulating strategies improves student learning and reading.”
5. Interaction
The teacher provides the students with continual opportunities to interact with peers through flexible grouping. Sometimes the students are in small groups, triads, or pairs where every student has an opportunity to speak and work on projects together. Through the various group activities, students are encouraged to interact with each other and have time for extended academic conversations with their peers. Teacher talk is reduced and the students are encouraged to talk more with such questions as, Tell me more about that, or Can you tell us why you think that? Students are given adequate wait time so they can communicate their answers.

6. Practice and Application
This component of the SIOP model reinforces the importance of using hands-on material and manipulatives. Teachers plan small-group activities involving hands-on experiences that provide students with relevant information about the content and an opportunity to practice what they are learning. Echevarria, Vogt, & Short (p. 118) state that, “Manipulating learning materials is important for Els because it helps them connect abstract concepts with concrete experiences.” The students are provided opportunities to discuss and apply what they are learning through integration of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. By integrating all of the language arts areas, the ELs grow in their English language ability as well as learn the content.
7. Lesson Delivery
The teacher focuses on the content and language objectives of the lesson and involves the students actively in meeting the objectives. Lessons are delivered at the appropriate pace so that the students can learn the material and not be bored. Students are engaged in the lesson 90% to 100% of the time through well-planned lessons that are understandable to the students, create opportunities for students to talk about the concepts, and include hands-on activities that reinforce each lesson.
8. Review/Assessment
The teachers provide the appropriate feedback so that the students can continue to grow, review the key concepts to ensure long-lasting learning, and provide assessment to track student progress. The teachers are involved in the “Effective Teaching Cycle for ELs,” which includes the following steps: teach a lesson, assess, review key concepts and vocabulary, make adjustments to improve student comprehension, and reteach as needed. This process is a cycle that is recursive in that each of the steps can be repeated as needed.

Based on MarryEllen Vogt (2009:11) the Strategies component of insert method focuses on the cognitive and metacognitive strategies that learners use to make sense of new information and concepts. Examples of learning strategies include rereading, note-taking, organizing information, predicting, self-questioning, evaluating, monitoring, clarifying, and summarizing. Studies have shown that explicit teaching and modeling of these (and other) strategies helps students become more strategic in their thinking and learning. Teachers can further develop students’ strategic thinking by planning and asking higher-order questions and requiring tasks that promote critical thinking. It is no longer acceptable to ask English learners a preponderance of low-level questions.

The Insert Method(adapted from MarryEllen Vogt)
COMPONENT:writing recount text

Grouping Configuration: Partners
Materials: recount text on paper students can write on

In partners, students read a recount text using the following coding system, inserting
the codes directly into the text they are reading:
• A check (√) mark indicates a concept or fact that is already known by the students.
• A question (?) mark indicates a concept or fact that is confusing or not understood.
• An exclamation mark (!) indicates something that is new, unusual or surprising.
• A (+) indicates an idea or concept that is new to the reader.
When the partners have concluded reading and marking the text, they share their markings
with another set of partners. As misconceptions or misunderstandings are cleared up, the
question mark is replaced with an asterisk (*). Following this small group work, the text is
discussed with the teacher and the whole class.
SIOP® Connection
Content Objectives:
Students will be able to (SWBAT) . . .
• Use a coding system while reading a recount text to identify concepts or facts that are familiar, those that are confusing, and those that are new, unusual, or surprising.
• Clarify misconceptions and misunderstandings about a text while working with group
• Write their own recount text

Language Objectives:
Students will be able to (SWBAT) . . .
• Ask questions about concepts and facts that are confusing.
• Read and discuss with group members a piece of recount text.
• Write their own recount text


Azzar, Betty Schrampfer. 1989. Understanding and Using English Grammar. Prentice Hall inc. New Jersey.

Brown, H. Douglas. 2001. Teaching by Principles:An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. Prentice Wall. New Jersey.

Crimmon. 1983. Writing with Purpose. New Jersey: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Hodgson, Anne. 2007. Recount. Beechwood Colledge. Available at http//

Recount Text. Primary Framework for literacy and mathematics Primary National Strategy © Crown copyright 2006

Vogt, Mary Ellen and Echevarría, Jana.Teaching English Learners with the SIOP® Model .California State University, Long Beach

Wallace Trudy . Teaching speaking, listening and writing.2005. Available at

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011


Ada suatu saat
Sang waktu berduka
Aku bertanya
Sang waktu bungkam
Merintih ucapan mata
Membuatku terkesiap
Apa dayaku untuk menghibur sang waktu
Aku mencari dan bertanya
Tanpa akhir jawab dan kesimpulan
Aku kembali
Dan bertanya dengan sang waktu
Sang waktu menatap
Rintihan mata membuatku terpana
Aku menyapa dalam rasaku
Sang waktu akhirnya berguman
Tanpa kata….
Akhirnya kuberjalan
Sampai aku sampai pada suatu titik
Berbuat dan berlakulah
Seperti sang waktu
Yang setia untuk terus berjalan
Tanpa ada pernah ada penghargaan
Hanya cacian
Jika suatu saat langkah sang waktu tersendat
Bukan karena dia tidak mau berputar
Tapi karena sayang
Takut kalau itu kesalahan
Buat yang disayang
Aku kecermin dan menatap
Ada bayangan
Siapa aku???
Aku pernah muda dan akan tua
Aku yang tidak bisa membaca
Akhirnya menulis
Aku yang meratap
Dan kemudian berbagi bahagia
Waktu yang menetapkan
Aku kembali ke sang waktu
Dan aku memeluknya dengan kehangatan
Terimakasih telah menjadi aku
Sang waktu….
Dan sang waktu akhirnya tersenyum
Senyum yang sangat indah


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