Writing is a skill that needs extra works to be mastered. The purpose of teaching writing is to develop students’ ability to function effectively in such written context .Writing plays an important role in which speaking can not to fulfill the communicative needs. Crimmon (1983) said that writing is a hard work. Therefore students need a lot of practices to apply their writing ability. Commonly the problem faced by students in writing is to develop ideas. They do not know how to arrange their ideas in a good structure. Hence the teacher must be able to apply teaching technique to solve the students’ problem.
In Curriculum KTSP, recount text is defined as a text that retells events in purpose of informing or entertaining. In curriculum for basic education 2004, one text must be learnt by the students is recount text.
In writing something, we can not make it directly into a good composition. There must be steps in arranging a good composition. The psycholinguist Eric Lenneberg (1967) stated that writing is related with someone’s behaviour. Someone learn to write if he or she is the member of a literate society, and because someone teaches him or her how to write. Thus, because writing is related with someone’s behaviour, he or she can start his or her writing by using something done as a habit. Habitual activity means something done as a way of life of someone. If someone can make writing as a habit, writing activity can be involved in his or her real life. The point is, if teacher can develop writing as students’ habitual activity, the students can find many interesting things inside their writing. The teacher believes if the students do writing activity as their habit, they can not find it is difficult to write something. Diary is related with students’ real life. They need not think about others beyond their life. They make it based their own life, their own experiences, and their own habit.
Recount text is a text genre must be learnt based on curriculum KTSP. In the article 60 Writing Topics by Maureen Hyland recount text is talking about past experiences or events, written for information or entertainment. Therefore in this text genre the students can write about their experiences. If they write something based on their habitual activity through diary, they can be able to manage the idea and then to develop the idea into a recount text.
In this method the teacher can use students’ diary as a media for the students to arrange the events or experiences that they have had. Actually writing process is the last skill of the language must be applied by someone. Therefore writing is not an easy process. To write something someone’s must be able to find the topic that he or she wants to write. After defining the topic he or she must be able to distribute the topics into some main ideas, and then develop some supporting ideas. He or she also must be able to make a draft of something that he or she wants to develop. Writing process can be easier to do if someone makes it as a habit. Writing diary related to someone’s habit in writing. Teacher can use this habit to develop the students’ ability in writing something. It can be easier to write something related to someone’s real life. Students writing through his or her own diary van help the students to develop their ability in writing recount text, because recount text is a text genre which discuss about past experiences or pas events done by the teacher or others. In applying this kind of technique the teacher can use action method. The process can be as follow:
• In this process, the teacher can apply the students’ diary as media to write the students daily experiences
• At the first meeting the teacher can explain about recount text and simple past tense
• The teacher can ask the students to write down about their experience in each day of a week
• Everyday, the teacher can ask the students to collect their diary about their activity of a day before
• The teacher can make some corrections to their writing
• After a week, in each teaching learning process the teacher can discuss about the corrections given to the students diary
• After a week, the teacher can ask the students to rewrite their diary into a recount text
• The students collected their recount text
• The teacher can do some corrections to the students writing
• In the next meeting, the teacher can distribute the students recount text, and ask them to rewrite the text based on the correction and to define the generic structure of recount text of their writing
There are some micro-skills for writing Douglas Brown (2001:343) stated micro-skills for writing, they are produce graphemes and orthographic patterns of English, produce writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose, produce an acceptable core of words and use appropriate word order pattern, use acceptable grammatical systems (e.g., tense, agreement, pluralizasion), patterns and rules, express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms, use cohesive devices in written discourse, use the rhetorical forms and conventions of written discourse, approximately accomplish the communicative functions of written texts according to form and purpose, convey links and connections between events and communicate such relation as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given information, generalization, distinguish between literal and implied meaning when writing, and correctly convey culturally specific references in the context of the written text
There are some functions of writing culture. Writing culture serves the following function Halliday (1985:40 – 41) are for action, such as public signs, for social contact such as letter and postcard, and for information, such as newspaper and magazine, for entertainment, such as film, poetry, and songs.
White as quoted by Nunan (1989: 36) points out that writing is not a natural activity. All physically and mentally normal people learn to speak a language. Yet, all people have to be taught how to write. This is a crucial difference as well. Writing, unlike speech, is displaced in time.
Bailey (1990:215) states that diary study is a first personal account of a language learning or teacher experience, documented through regular, candid entries in a personal journal and then analyzed for recurring patterns or salient events.
http://www.theeducationalfreelancer.com/downloads/labchapter.pdf. Diary writing is a form of sustained silent writing. Sustained silent writing requires students to fill up a period of time with writing. If the students can’t generate thought for original writing, the students can copy from any source.
Anne Hudgson in http:///www.skillworkshop.org recount text tells about something happened in the past. It can be happened to the teacher or someone else. The purpose of recount text is to retell an event or events. The generic structure of recount text are :
• Orientation
• Event/ events
ORIENTATION In the last holiday, my family went to Singkawang. There, we stayed in my grandparents’s house. We planned to celebrate new year eve in Pasir Panjang beach
EVENT In preparing the new year eve, my mother bought some fish and some chickens. She and my aunt also prepared the ingredients needed to roast the fish and the chicken. My father, my uncle, my cousins, Ricahrd and Tino, and I prepared the corn and the wood. At the 31st December afternoon my grandparents, my uncle’s family and my family went to Pasir Panjang Beach. Besides food and drink we also brought mat and rain coat. The males prepared the fire and the females prepared the food. Finally the night came, we laugh all night and at the midnight, we prayed together to welcome 2010. We spent the night on the beach and came back home in the morning.
REORIENTATION On the 2nd January 2010, my family went back to Pontianak. But I still kept the experience as a nice moment in my life.
Diary Writing., Accessed at October 1st 2009. Available at
[http :// www.theeducationalfreelancer.com/downloads/lablechapter9.pdf. ]
Hatch at al.1991. Design and Statistics for Applied Linguistics. Newbuury House Publisher, New York.
Hudgson, Anne. Accessed at 28 December 2009. Available at [http://www.soloeducenter.com]
Louis Cohen et al. 2005.Research Method in Education-5th ed. Master Ebook.
Maureen Hyland. Lower Primary 60 Writing Topics.
Students Diary . Accessed at October 1st 2009. Available at[ http://puslit2.pectra.ac.id/ejournal/index.php/ing/article/view file/ 16695/16687]. .
Brown Douglas. H. 2000. Teaching by principles. An interactive Approach to language Pedagogy. Second Edition. San Fransisko State University.
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